


Image size 100×50cm

Fells, dusk and weather laden skies intensify an air of deep gloaming and blackness looming,
shadows underplaying slight light. Contrasts in deeply grained texture and saturated colour evoke a
sense of urgency in retreating home incoming.

To discuss purchasing contact me here: [email protected]



Background Story:

‘Incoming’ in its previous lifeform was part of a large exterior gate to a courtyard
and around 100 years old, although the house is much older. The fixings from the latch and bolt have
been collaged into the foreground, and call back to when gate provided a place of safety for the
owners. The wood is pine matchboard, most probably locally sourced (E.Mids) and planted around
1900-1910. The building itself was previously a shop, on a busy village street and so the gate will
have witnessed comings and goings of deliveries, the family living in the house over time, the smithy
next door, the village school opposite, and subsequent history over the past century or so.

Additional information

Dimensions 100 × 50 cm